But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.

Matthew 6:20
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Investing For Eternity

Love Worth Finding is available to assist you in developing an estate plan that will address your specific needs now and enable you to leave a legacy for heirs through your last Will and Testament.

As Christians, we are taught and encouraged to witness to others in our talk, in our walk and in our actions while on this earth. You also have an opportunity to continue your witness to family members and others through designated giving in your Will.

A Will is necessary, along with other legal documents, such as health care directives, to complete your estate plan. Some have said that seven out of ten people do not have a Will. Why? Many believe their assets do not merit a will. Be assured, if you own anything, a will is highly advisable. Your assets may be more valuable than you realize when you consider cash, real estate, jewelry, furniture, books, family heirlooms, works of art, and more.

In the absence of an estate plan, or Will, the laws of your state will determine the distribution of your assets. A personal Will gives you the opportunity to have your wishes respected after you are gone. Consider the thought that a Christian’s Will should be different with its ability to influence.

Characteristics of a Christian’s Will
  1. Testifies to your faith in Jesus Christ.
  2. Recognizes that everything you have comes from God and belongs to Him.
  3. Seeks to extend your witness and belief in Jesus Christ to future generations.

Benefits of Investing for Eternity

Satisfaction of leaving a life-changing legacy for Christian Ministry, providing future generations the opportunity of hearing the Gospel through your giving.

Legacy for Family
Planned giving opportunities using Charitable Gift Annuity Agreements through Love Worth Finding testify to your family the importance of giving now, and in the future, to further the spread of the Gospel. You may even designate your loved ones as advisors of certain funds after your death, teaching them important lessons in compassionate giving.

Personal Flexibility
There are many avenues to achieve your financial goals, and Love Worth Finding is available to assist you in addressing your specific needs. For instance, there may be several funds that allow you to qualify for a tax deduction prior to the time your money is invested. A Donor Advised Fund Account may also provide you with legal circumvention of certain capital gain taxes on highly appreciated properties such as stocks, real estate, and other investments.

Immediate Financial Rewards
You may choose to open a Charitable Gift Annuity, providing specific income for the rest of your life, with the balance distributed to Love Worth Finding Ministries.

Peace of Mind
Confidence that you and your family are taken care of, your planned giving contribution is supporting ministries such as Love Worth Finding.

Where to Begin

Talk to God. Pray and ask God what He wants you to do about sharing His message to this generation and future generations.

Talk to your family. Discuss your financial goals with your spouse and your loved ones.

Talk to your financial advisor or accountant about planned giving opportunities, such as those with Love Worth Finding Ministries.

Ask yourself the following questions:
  • Do I have a current Will?
  • Is God’s will in my Will?
  • Am I retired or considering retirement?
  • Do I need a supplemental income for life?
  • Am I teaching my loved ones how to leave a legacy?
  • Do I need an immediate tax deduction?
  • Am I comfortable with the government receiving and directing the proceeds of my estate?
  • Do I have any appreciated property (land, stocks, insurance)?
  • Have I considered collectibles, antiques, and jewelry as part of my appreciated assets?
  • Do I have an IRA and would it give my loved ones the best tax advantage upon my death?

Thank you for your interest in Legacy Planned Giving. Please open the links for additional information and our contact information.
